Master Degree in Hydrography and oceanography University of Genoa
Master Degree Course in Hydrography and oceanography
This Course aims to train experts that know how to combine the professional and cultural aspects of Hydrography and Oceanography with the most innovative marine environment survey techniques.
It is the only Italian Master’s degree course that prepares experts in hydrography and oceanography in an international environment and conforms with the recognised standards of the International Board of Standards of Competence, FIG/IHO/ICA Hydrographic Surveyor Category A Course.
The Course aims to train Environmental Science (LM75) specialists with specific skills in the maritime environment. These skills are especially addressed to the physical environment with particular reference to:
- hydrography for deep sea, coastal and port area management
- thematic and nautical cartography
- oceanographic measuring and modelling physical processes
In the perspective of a more efficient bridge with labour market demands and the different public and private territorial realities.
The Master’s degree holder will acquire Hydrography and Oceanography competencies also through:
- the use of innovative techniques for direct and remote measurement
- embarking experience on oceanographic nautical vessels laid down by the teaching organisation
- work experience in institutions and companies.
Through Geomatic tools the degree holder will be able to manage networks of complex data which are fundamental tools for planning and management of the maritime territory, coasts and inland waters.
The 3 phases
- Theoretical-practical lessons in which students acquire basic knowledge with particular reference to the coastal maritime and deep sea environments.
- In-depth study of operational Oceanography, GIS and electronic cartography, remote sensing, hydrography for coastal and coastal engineering works management
- Field and onboard work on naval crafts to acquire survey and sampling techniques as well as techniques to efficiently handle data/samples.
Duration: 2 Years
Credits: 120CFU
Admission: Free access
Location: Genova
Teaching language: English
Teaching mode: Lectures
Taxes and fees: From 0 to 3000 euros per year (depending upon your family income).
International partnerships: Student exchange